Greetings from the East!

My Brothers,

As we get into the heart of winter, we find ourselves less active with more time to think. I find that true for myself anyway. It was truly inspiring to see so many in attendance for the month of January. I am grateful to have every one of you as members. I hope we continue to see Past Masters and Members coming back to Lodge. Please join us, as every Brother’s contribution is important. You may inspire a Brother, help him grow, make him feel better, and help to build our Lodge.

Remember our Lodge is not just a room or hall. It is a group of men, Brothers who have dedicated themselves to a common task. To build. Building character, building community, building a bond to each other. Take time to think about this: what part do you play? How do you engage? How do our actions affect each other? We will continue to make time for fellowship. This is the time I see the purest, care and concern shown for each other. The discussions, laughter, the energy in the Fellowship Hall is what I hope resonates with you. Allowing us to leave feeling better than when we arrived. Wanting to come back for more.

I want to thank you all again for the hospitality and acceptance that you offer to our guests. It is clear that someone who walks in for the first time nervous and unsure about the experience but leaves Olive Branch with a very positive and comfortable feeling. The same applies for a Brother who returns from a hiatus, re-experiencing that feeling. That’s how we build our Lodge.

As far as meetings go, they need to happen to get things done. We will do our best to keep them as painless as possible. I respect your time. Your opinions and desires matter. Your presence allows you the clearest understanding, and an opportunity to share opinions and concerns. I’m looking forward to this month filled with more fellowship,
another EA degree, and working on plans for the Lodge and several events. The bonus is getting to see the Past Masters hone the craft like a surgically sharpened blade for the Fellowcraft Degree as they rehearse the ritual for March.

Hope to see all of you again this month. If we didn’t see you, make the trip, we miss you.

Peace and Harmony,

Br. Lee
Worshipful Master