Greetings from the East!

The days are shorter, and the weather has cooled. The
holiday season is upon us, and the year draws to a close. I
am sitting here trying to come up with the words to
describe how bittersweet this time is for a sitting Master.

Now that I am finally comfortable in the East, the year is
over. There are so many things I would like to say, so much
more I wish I had done. I hope that I was able, along with
the officers this year, to make a difference, provoke
thought, foster Brotherhood, and nurture fellowship.

Olive Branch Lodge is a special place! There is something
about the energy and light that burns strong here. I am
proud that we have carried on the legacy that has been built
over the years by our Past Masters. Each of us plays a part
in what the future will be. The energy and excitement of
our new Brothers will keep the growth positive. Next
year’s officer line is strong, and I have no doubt it will be
an eventful and busy year.

I was told by a Past Master that during my year in the East,
I will learn much about myself which is what this office is
meant to teach me. I have been met with some challenges,
as most Masters have during their year. However, your
friendship, Brotherly love, and support carried me through.
It has been a privilege and a true honor to serve the Lodge
as Worshipful Master for the year. I am proud of the 2022
Officer Line for their commitment and support throughout
the year. Have a joyous, prosperous, healthy, and happy
holiday season.

I don’t know if I will ever find all the right words to say
what I feel, but I will use these two for now:

Peace and Harmony Forever,
Br. Lee Friedland
Worshipful Master