May this New Year bring you and your families much love, joy, peace, and prosperity. Happy New Year!
Thank you for electing me to serve as the Worshipful Master for the 2020 Masonic year. I will do my best to fill the shoes of the Worshipful Brothers who have come this way before. I am proud to be a member of Olive Branch Lodge #16. Of the many duties of a Mason, spreading light is one that is all important. Though to the uninitiated what we do may seem strange, to us, it is a connection to the Great Architect of the Universe that enables us to spread the light of knowledge. It is this light that will help the uninitiated find understanding.
As we move into the coming year, I will, with your help and input, find ways to challenge not only the understanding of the mind but of the heart. We are tasked with bringing positive change to our Brothers, to our family and friends as well as our Masonic family, but most importantly to ourselves. It is THIS light that will help us shine as a beacon to all whom we encounter and interact with. This light will burn all the brighter for our zeal. This responsibility is even more awesome, and I am humbled by being elected to serve this Lodge.
From Psalm 118:22 – “The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone.”
Together, we are the cornerstone of Olive Branch.
Worshipful Bro. Peter