
Even Better -- Not Just a Man. A Mason.

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    Master's Messages

    • Greetings from the East! May 31, 2024

      Ahh Summertime!
      The Lodge goes on refreshment…
      Most levels of schools are closed…
      More people are on vacation…
      The Highways are congested more often…
      Late night little league games…
      The smell of BBQ is in the air…

      Do these statements make you think differently about what it is to be present and in the moment? What do they all have in common that so many people overlook? The tools given to us as Masons enable us to focus our attention and be more present in the moment during the summer. Keeping our passions within due bounds is almost a supernatural gift to guard ourselves against anything that isn’t aligned with your growth. It appears as if our time in the summer allows us to practice the tenets of our institution in a different way. Giving us the valuable opportunity of being present every day during this period. Summertime is a season that brings warmth, not only in temperature, but in the hearts of people, offering a perfect opportunity to spread kindness among family and friends. The long, sunny days invite us to slow down and cherish moments with our loved ones, creating memories that last a lifetime. Acts of kindness, no matter how small, can significantly enhance these experiences, fostering deeper connections and a sense of togetherness.

      It’s a time for us as Masons to reflect on our values of integrity, charity, and fellowship, while also enjoying social activities and family-oriented events. Whether organizing fundraisers, participating in local parades, or simply sharing a meal, summertime allows us to visibly practice our commitment to bettering ourselves and our communities, embodying the principles of this ancient and honorable fraternity.

      In essence, summertime offers countless opportunities to nurture relationships through kindness. By reaching out, being present, and giving back, we create a ripple effect of goodwill that can last far beyond the warm days of summer, enriching our lives and those of our loved ones.

      My Brothers, I leave you with this…

      “Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.” – Brother Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


      WM Maliek Olden

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    • Greetings from the East! May 13, 2024

      “The Rose Above the Outer Door”

      The point within a circle, square and compass, the all-seeing eye, the Letter G, the trowel, the beehive, the anchor, the acacia, the level, the plumb, the tessellated border, etc….

      So many different symbols have meanings that can change or stay the same throughout our Masonic journey from one Brother to another. One symbol, a rose above the door of the Lodge Proper, was a reminder to me of what I loved about the craft.

      The floral emblem adorning the doorway carries profound symbolism, embodying principles integral to Masonic teachings. Positioned above the threshold, it serves as a visual reminder of the Masonic journey towards enlightenment and moral virtue. Within this symbolism, the flower represents beauty, evoking the pursuit of truth and wisdom. Its delicate petals symbolize the fragility of life and the ephemeral nature of existence, urging us to cherish each moment and strive for inner illumination.

      Moreover, the flower’s thorns speak to the potential for pain and adversity encountered on the path to enlightenment, emphasizing the need for resilience and fortitude. The presence of the floral emblem above the entrance signifies the threshold between the profane world and the sacred realm of Masonic knowledge, inviting us to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Through contemplation of the floral symbolism, we are encouraged to reflect on the cyclical nature of life, the passage of time, and the eternal essence of the human spirit. Thus, the presence of the floral emblem above the doorway serves as a potent symbol of the Masonic ideals of beauty, enlightenment, and the pursuit of truth.

      The next time you walk into Olive Branch Lodge #16 look above your head and tell me how you feel about “The Rose Above The Outer Door.”

      My Brothers, I leave you with this…

      “Find beauty in the smallest of things. It’s often the little moments that bring us the greatest joy.” – Brother Count Basie

      WM Maliek Olden

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    • Greetings from the East! May 13, 2024

      Within Freemasonry, April is often seen as a time of reflection and renewal, mirroring the rebirth of nature as flowers bloom and the earth awakens from its winter slumber. This symbolism of growth and transformation aligns with Freemasonry’s emphasis on personal development and enlightenment. How can we make good men better? This question can be answered differently by anyone you ask. But by reminding an erring Brother of his failings, and always being ready to befriend and assist one another, we make us, as a whole. stronger.

      In addition to its historical significance, April’s association with Freemasonry underscores our Fraternity’s enduring commitment to fostering positive change in the world. The positive change starts with us individually and making sure that we extend love and generosity to everyone. Through charitable works, mentorship programs, and community outreach initiatives, we strive to make a meaningful impact on society, embodying the principles of Brotherly love, relief, and truth. We are all at different stages on our journey. So, it is imperative to remember that you have walked the same path as millions before you throughout centuries. They have been judged, as will you, not by wealth and honors, but by humility and sincerity.

      Ultimately, the correlation between April and Freemasonry speaks to the timeless pursuit of enlightenment and progress. Just as the changing seasons usher in a new chapter of growth and renewal, so too does Freemasonry inspire us to embrace change as a catalyst for prosperity and positive transformation, both within ourselves, and in the world around us.

      My Brothers, I leave you with this…

      “Freemasonry has no dogma or theology. It offers no sacraments. It teaches that it is important for every man to have a religion of his own choice and to be faithful to it in thought and action. As a result, men of different religions meet in fellowship and brotherhood under the fatherhood of God. I think that a good Mason is made even more faithful to the tenets of his faith by his membership in the Lodge.”
      – Brother & Reverend Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

      WM Maliek Olden

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    • Greetings from the East! May 13, 2024

      The discovery of self is a profound journey that transcends time and circumstance. It is an introspective odyssey where one unravels the layers of their identity, aspirations, and values. This expedition often involves the complexities of emotions, confronting fears, and embracing personal truths. It is not a destination but a continuous process of learning, growth, and acceptance.

      Warmer weather is ahead of us and what a better time it will be to put our working tools to great use. To shape that rough Ashlar everyday with every endeavor we accept in front of us. 1%-5% a day is all it takes to make the slightest change go the longest distance.

      The word March can be derived from the Latin word Martius (named after Mars, the Roman god of war.) Just a reminder that we all fight different battles unknown to each other throughout life. And sometimes just an attentive ear is all we really need to receive the right wisdom.

      It requires introspection, mindfulness, and a willingness to explore one’s thoughts and experiences. Along the way, individuals may find hidden strengths, passions, and a deeper connection with their authentic selves. This journey empowers people to make conscious choices aligned with their genuine desires, fostering a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

      And Brethren I will leave you with this…

      “There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one’s self.” –Brother Benjamin Franklin


      WM Maliek Olden

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    • Greetings from the East! February 13, 2024

      In the month of February, let the essence of care and friendship permeate every moment. Like the delicate petals of a blooming flower, nurture your bonds with kindness and understanding. Cherish the laughter that dances in the air and the comforting presence of those who stand by you. In the gentle embrace of friendship, find solace and joy. Reach out with a caring hand and let the beauty of genuine connection blossom. This February, let love and friendship intertwine, creating a tapestry that warms the heart and enriches the soul.

      In February, a month infused with love, care, and camaraderie, let the spirit of friendship and fraternity thrive. Cultivate bonds that echo with warmth and understanding, like a shared flame that brightens even the darkest corners of life. Reach out to friends, old and new, with gestures of kindness, for in their company, you find refuge and strength. February is not just a celebration of romantic love but a tribute to the platonic bonds that anchor us. Embrace the diversity of companionship, for true fraternity knows no boundaries. Whether through simple acts of kindness or profound moments of support, let the tapestry of care and friendship weave a narrative of unity and compassion. In this month of hearts, celebrate the profound connections that make life richer, fostering an environment where friendship and fraternity flourish.

      And my Brethren I will leave you with this… A quote from Brother Richard Pryor….

      “I believe the ability to think is blessed. If you can think about a situation, you can deal with it. The big struggle is to keep your head clear enough to think.”


      WM Maliek Olden

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    • Greetings from the East! January 4, 2024

      As we stand on the threshold of a new year, let optimism be our guiding light. Embrace the coming days with a heart full of hope, for each moment holds the promise of a fresh start. Let the lessons of the past year be steppingstones toward growth, resilience, and wisdom. As the clock ticks away the final moments of the current year, reflect on the accomplishments, the challenges overcome, and the invaluable experiences gained.

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    Most Worshipful Leonard Vander Horn
    Grand Master of Masons of the State of New Jersey

    RW Robert E DePetro
    District Deputy Grand Master

    RW Christopher J. Harris
    District Ritual Instructor

    Bro. Kevin Cotter, Society of King Solomon
    District Education Officer